This is the circuit diagram of 100W amplifier with paired transistor 2N3055 and MJ2955. 2N3055 and MJ2955 is a silicon power transistor used mostly in amplifier and power supply circuitsbut it is designed for general–purpose switching and amplifier applications. 2N3055 transistor is packed in a TO-3 can, the maximum power rating is 115W, voltage 60V and 15 amperes maximum with a beta gain of 20 to 70 at a collector current of 4A.
Its popularity is because it could dissipate 115W (full power) at a collector voltage of 60V and a collector current of 1.9A and still the case temperature did not exceeded 250C.
This 100W amplifier circuit operated with symmetrical / dual polarity power supply.
So much talking… Let’s begin to present you some of the most used 2N3055 amplifier circuits available on the internet! This article is full with schematics, designs and probably new amplifier concepts.
A great stereo amplifier built with 2 x 2N3055 and 2 x MJ2955 power transistors, we cannot tell you if it is an 2 x 100W stereo amplifier or 2 x 50W…
100W Amplifier with Transistor 2N3055 and MJ2955
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