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2W Audio Amplifier Circuit based TIP31A/TIP32A

Here the 2W audio amplifier circuit which built based a couple of power transistor TIP31A and TIP32A. This is a mono transistored amplifier, built the similar circuit for stereo audio amplifier.
2W Audio Amplifier Circuit based TIP31A/TIP32A

Components list:
R1,R2 = 33K 1/4W
R3 = 33R 1/4W
R4 = 15K 1/4W
R5,R6 = 1K 1/4W
R7 = 680R 1/4W
R8 = 120R 1/2W
R9 = 100R 1/2W Trimpot
P1 = 10K Linear Potentiometer
D1 = 1N4148
SPKR = 3-5 Watt / 8, 4 or 2 Ohm
C1,C2 = 10µF/63V
C3 = 100µF/25V
C4,C7 = 470µF/25V
C5 = 47pF
C6 = 220nF
C8 = 1000µF/25V
Q1 = BC560C
Q2 = BC337
Q3 = TIP31A
Q4 = TIP32A

2W Audio Amplifier Circuit based TIP31A/TIP32A source: